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Comet Assay IV Publications

Perceptive Instruments Comet Assay IV image analysis systems have been sited within peer-reviewed publications hundreds of times.  Here, we have listed a few of them:

Papers from 2019

Spatial and temporal variation of three biomarkers in Mytilus edulis
S Strubbia, BP Lyons, RJ Lee - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019
...The tails were evaluated through Comet Assay IV analysis software (Perceptive Instruments Ltd) and Camera AVT smart view for, Fire Package version 1.6.2) to measure the total image fluorescence intensity, head intensity, tail intensity, head length and tail length. The results were recorded as the % tail intensity over 50 cells...

Poly (e-caprolactone) microspheres for prolonged release of selenium nanoparticles
N Filipovic, L Veselinovic, S Razic, S Jeremic, M Filipic… - Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
... Images of 50 randomly selected nuclei per experimental point were analyzed with image analysis software Comet Assay IV (Perceptive Instruments, UK). The percentages of tail DNA were used to measure the levels of DNA damage …

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Papers from 2018

Chemopreventive potential of in vitro fermented raw and roasted hazelnuts in LT97 colon adenoma cells
M Glei, S Fischer, J Lamberty, D Ludwig… - Anticancer Research, 2018
… After staining DNA with SYBR® Green (Sigma Aldrich, Munich, Germany) DNA damage was detected using a fluorescence microscope (ZEISS Axiostar plus; Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH) and image analysis system (Comet Assay IV, Perceptive Instruments, Suffolk, UK) …

Comprehensive evaluation of the flavonol anti-oxidants, alpha-glycosyl isoquercitrin and isoquercitrin, for genotoxic potential
CA Hobbs, M Koyanagi, C Swartz, J Davis, S Kasamoto… - Food and Chemical Toxicology …, 2018
… slides with SYBR Gold™ (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), 150 cells were scored per sample at 200× total magnification without scorers' knowledge of animal identity using Comet Assay IV Imaging Software, Version 4.3.1 (Perceptive Instruments, Ltd., Suffolk, UK) …

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Papers from 2017

Genotoxicity and gene expression analyses of liver and lung tissues of mice treated with titanium dioxide nanoparticles
Y Li, J Yan, W Ding, Y Chen, LM Pack, T Chen - Mutagenesis, 2017
... random from each slide. Scoring was performed on a platform consisting of a Nikon 50i fluorescent microscope (Nikon, USA) and Comet IV digital imaging software (Perceptive Instruments, Wiltshire, UK). Percent (%) DNA in ...

EGCG Prevents High Fat Diet-Induced Changes in Gut Microbiota, Decreases of DNA Strand Breaks, and Changes in Expression and DNA Methylation of Dnmt1 and …
M Remely, F Ferk, S Sterneder, T Setayesh, S Roth… - Oxidative Medicine and …, 2017
... Slides were examined under a fluorescence microscope (Nikon EFD-3, Japan) using 25-fold magnification. DNA migration was determined with a computer aided comet assay image analysis system (Comet Assay IV, Perceptive Instruments, UK). 2.2. Gene Expression Analysis. ...

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Papers from 2016

Assessment of the genotoxic potential along the Danube River by application of the comet assay on haemocytes of freshwater mussels: The Joint Danube Survey 3
S Kolarevic, M Kracun-Kolarevic, J Kostic, J Slobodnik… - Science of The Total Environment, 2016
... The slides were examined with a fluorescence microscope (Leica, DMLS, Austria, under magnification 400 ×, excitation filter 510–560 nm, barrier filter 590 nm). Microscopic images of comets were scored using Comet IV Computer Software (Perceptive Instruments, UK). ...

In vitro comet and micronucleus assays do not predict morphological transforming effects of silica particles in Syrian Hamster Embryo cells.
C Darne, C Coulais, F Terzetti, C Fontana… -Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagensis 2016
... The slides were then washed with Tris–HCl 0.4 M for 15 min and stained with propidium iodide. Images of 100 randomly selected comets were analysed from each sample, using specific image analyser software (Comet assay IV, Perceptive Instruments, United Kingdom ...

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Papers from 2015

Recommendations for increasing alkaline comet assay reliability in plants
B Pourrut, E Pinelli, VC Mendiola, J Silvestre, F Douay - Mutagenesis, 2015
... For each slide, 50 randomly selected nuclei were analysed using an Olympus fluorescence microscope with an excitation filter of 510–560nm and a barrier of 590nm. A computerized image analysis system (Comet Assay IV; Perceptive Instruments) was employed. ...

DNA repair after X-irradiation: lessons from plants
J Einset, AR Collins - Mutagenesis, 2015
... Analysis of comets was performed after staining with 1 µg/ml 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole using a Nikon Eclipse TS100 fluorescence microscope equipped with an Allied Vision Technologies camera and the Comet Assay IV image analysis program (Perceptive Instruments). ...

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Papers from 2014

Unbiased compound screening identifies unexpected drug sensitivities and novel treatment options for gastrointestinal stromal tumors
S Boichuk, DJ Lee, KR Mehalek, KR Makielski… - Cancer Research, 2014
... DNA was labeled with SYBR Green and slides were viewed under a Nikon ECLIPSE 50i epifluorescence microscope (Nikon). Comet tails were analyzed using Comet Assay IV v4.2 software (Perceptive Instruments). At least 100 cells were analyzed per sample. ...

Is the antioxidative effectiveness of a bilberry extract influenced by encapsulation?
M Baum, M Schantz, S Leick, S Berg, M Betz, K Frank… - … of the Science of Food and …, 2014
... Slides were analysed by computerized image analysis (Comet IV, Perceptive Instruments. DNA damage was calculated as the tail intensity (TI%: DNA in the comet tail as a percent of total DNA). ... 20. Schantz M, Baum M and Richling E, Antioxidative efficiency of an anthocyanin ...

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Papers from 2013

Evidence for different mechanisms of action behind the mutagenic effects of 4-NOPD and OPD: the role of DNA damage, oxidative stress and an imbalanced …
R Åsgård, S Haghdoost, SO Golkar, B Hellman… - Mutagenesis, 2013
... Before the image analysis, the slides were stained with ethidium bromide (30 µl/slide; 200mg/ml) and analysed in a fluorescence microscope using the image analysis software Comet Assay IV (Perceptive Instruments, UK). ...

Antioxidant and genoprotective effects of spent coffee extracts in human cells
J Bravo, L Arbillaga, M Paz de Peña, C Cid - Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2013
... NIKON). A total of 100 comets on each slide were scored through a computer-assisted image analysis (Comet assay IV, Perceptive Instruments), by measuring the percentage of DNA in the tail. 2.7. Statistical analysis. Data are ...

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Papers from 2012

Cryopreservation and storage of mussel (Mytilus spp.) hemocytes for latent analysis by the Comet assay
A Kwok, BP Lyons, NJ Hodges, TP Bean - Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and ..., 2012
... DNA damage was expressed as the % tail intensity. The images were measured with Comet Assay IV (Perceptive Instruments), and data were compiled with Comet Assay Spreadsheet Generator Version 1-3-1 (Perceptive Instruments). 2.7. Data Analysis. ...

Age and gender effects on DNA strand break repair in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
C Garm, M Moreno-Villanueva, A Bürkle, I Petersen… - Aging Cell, 2012
... DNA was stained using SYBR Gold (Invitrogen) and analysis was performed using a fluorescent microscope (Leica DMLB) equipped with camera (Leica DC 200). Live quantification was performed on 60-100 cells from each gel using Perceptive Instruments IV software. ...

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Papers from 2009

Below are a number of refereed papers from 2009 in which Perceptive Instruments software is used for the comet assay. Applications of the systems include research and testing in nutrition, medicine, biomonitoring and genetic toxicology:

Cytotoxicity and oxidative DNA damage by nanoparticles in human intestinal Caco-2 cells
(2009) K. Gerloff et al, Nanotoxicology 3(4): 355-364

Delphinidin Modulates the DNA-Damaging Properties of Topoisomerase II Poisons
(2009) M. Esselen et al, Chem. Res. Toxicol. 22(3):554-564

Genotoxicity evaluation of locally produced dental porcelain – An in vitro study using the Ames and Comet assays
(2009) M. Noushad et al., Toxicol In Vitro. 23(6):1145-50

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Papers from 2008

Below are a number of refereed papers from 2008 in which Perceptive Instruments software is used for the comet assay. Applications of the systems include research and testing in nutrition, medicine, biomonitoring and genetic toxicology:

Alcohol induces DNA damage and the Fanconi anemia D2 protein implicating FANCD2 in the DNA damage response pathways in brain
(2008) S.L. Rulten et al, Alc. Clin. Exp. Res. 32(7):1186-1196

Analysis of DNA breaks, DNA damage response, and apoptosis produced by high NaCl
(2008) N.I. Dmitrieva et al, Am. J. Phys. Renal Phys. 295(1):1678-1688

Anthocyanin/Polyphenolic–Rich Fruit Juice Reduces Oxidative Cell Damage in an Intervention Study with Patients on Hemodialysis
(2008) T.M. Spormann et al, Canc. Epi. Biom. & Prev. 17(1):3372-3380

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Papers from 2007

Below are a number of refereed papers from 2007 in which Perceptive Instruments software is used for the comet assay. Applications of the systems include potentially harmful and beneficial dietary factors; biomonitoring; molecular epidemiology; photobiology; mechanistic studies, clinical and dentistry.

8-Oxoguanine DNA Glycosylase and MutY Homolog Are Involved in the Incision of Arsenite-Induced DNA Adducts
(2007) Y. Pu et al, Tox. Sci. 95(2):376-382

Absence of DNA damage in multiple organs (blood, liver, kidney, thyroid gland and urinary bladder) after acute fluoride exposure in rats
(2007) A. de Lima Leite et al, Human & Expt. Tox. 26(5):435-440

An optimized method for detecting gamma-H2AX in blood cells reveals a significant interindividual variation in the gamma-H2AX response among humans
(2007) I. H. Ismail et al, Nuc. Acids Res. 35(5):e36

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Papers from 2006

Below are a number of refereed papers from 2006 in which Perceptive Instruments software is used for the comet assay. Applications of the systems include genotoxicity testing of materials used in dentistry; potentially harmful and beneficial dietary factors; biomonitoring; molecular epidemiology; photobiology; mechanistic studies and clinical.

2-Dodecylcyclobutanone, a radiolytic product of palmitic acid, is genotoxic in primary human colon cells and in cells from preneoplastic lesions
(2006) N. Knoll et al, Mut. Res. 594(1-2):10-19

A Protease Pathway for the Repair of Topoisomerase II-DNA Covalent Complexes
(2006) A. Zhang et al, Journal of Biological Chemistry 281(47):35997-36003

Alkaline comet assay study with breast cancer patients: evaluation of baseline and chemotherapy-induced DNA damage in non-target cells
(2006) N. Kopjar et al, Clin. Exp. Med. 6(4):177-190

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Papers from 2005

Below are a number of refereed papers from 2005 in which Perceptive Instruments software is used for the comet assay. Applications of the systems include research and testing in nutrition, medicine, biomonitoring and genetic toxicology:

Biocompatibility In Vitro Tests of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Regular and White Portland Cements
(2005) D.A. Ribeiro et al, Journal of Endodontics 31(8):605-607

The novel human gene aprataxin is directly involved in DNA single-strand-break repair
(2005) P. Mosesso et al, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 62(4):485-491

Genetic polymorphisms and the effect of cigarette smoking in the comet assay
(2005) H. Hoffmann et al, Mutagenesis 20(5):359-364

Read more: Papers from 2005


We have found the Comet Assay IV software very useful and convenient.

Research Scientist, Food Safety Agency, France

...have been using it now for a couple of weeks and it seems to be working great. Very user friendly - I love it as does my intern!

Staff Chemist, Marine Laboratory, USA

...and the system is running great.

Medical Researcher, Cancer Research Institute, USA

The installation was quick and all the details were described and easily understandable for the technicians.

Head of Department, Global Chemical Company, Germany

All is going well and the more I use the software the more I love the way it's so simple and intuitive...the comet software is running well and in increasing use.

Scientist, University, UK

We have installed the software and are using it without any problem. It's really simple! My PhD students are very happy with it.

Professor, University, Spain

Perfect and very clear installation and training!

Researcher, Contract Testing Laboratory, Europe

...we are "happy users" of the software

Senior Researcher, Risk Assessment Institute, Germany

...Everything is fine with the Comet Assay IV system...and I'm pretty happy about this new software with just clicking on the cells instead of drawing a frame around them

Researcher, Cancer Research Organisation, UK

I'm really a fan of your system :)

Genetic Toxicologist, Global Pharmaceutical Company

Perfect and very clear installation and training.

Study Director, Contract Research Organisation, Europe

The system is working great.

Senior Research Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, UK

Total change in our lab since you came (with Comet Assay IV of course...)! thanks... :-)

Postgraduate Researcher, University, France

Yes, it is very useful and we are in the process of writing a paper also from the data derived from Comet Assay IV.

Assistant Professor, University, USA

It is, indeed, much quicker than the old image analysis system that we had. We are very pleased with it.

Senior Researcher, Public Health Agency, Finland

We're now using the software and it works great. It has cut our time for comets by at least half.

Post Doctoral Fellow, National Institute of Health, USA

We are very satisfied with your software.

Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovakia

So far, I'm very happy with the system.

Research Lecturer, University, UK

Just to let you know we have started the validation study for Comet Assay IV and it has been going very well! We ran a comet assay last week and scored the slides with no problems at all. I am very pleased with the system and it will certainly make a difference when we run some comet studies this year!

Study Director, Food & Household Products Company, UK

We started using Comet Assay IV and it works well...

Researcher, Nuclear Agency, France

So it's working out fine and we're very happy!

Toxicologist, Health Agency, Canada

Excellent, perfectly straightforward.

Scientist, University, UK

It is actually working great.

Professor, University, USA

The current Comet Assay IV system works without any trouble…we are pleased with the system.

Scientist, Chemical Company, Japan

Thanks for your attention and great service. I am so glad that we have Comet IV.

Study Director, Contract Research Organisation, USA

Excellent, the training was very helpful and specific to in-house technicalities.

Lecturer, University, UK

I don't have any questions about the software as it has worked quite well for us...so far we are very happy with the software.

Research Scientist, University, Australia

We are using the Comet Assay IV a lot (and our use is increasing). It's working very well.

Professor, Children's Research Hospital, USA

The system is up and running. Everybody is impressed with the speed of scoring slides.

Researcher, University, South Africa

I have been using the Comet Assay IV Software. It is great! During my software validation, I realized how much easier and precise it is compared to our old software. It makes analyzing the comet slides more enjoyable

Scientist, Medical Research Centre, USA

We have just recently utilized the system and are extremely pleased.

Assistant Professor, University, USA

It's an amazing program! Really useful!

Research Scientist, University, Brazil

We are impressed indeed! It has saved us quite a lot of time and pains.

Director, Toxicology Research Centre, Spain

We are very happy with everything, it is easy to work with your software.

Senior Scientist, National Health Institute, Portugal

The Comet Assay IV system we already installed and is working perfectly.

Scientist, Environmental Institute, Norway

Everything has gone very well with the system and we are very pleased with it.

Scientist, University, UK

We have had no problems so far, and we are very pleased with the system.

Senior Researcher, Public Health Agency, Finland

Comet Assay IV software is in use. Currently our comet analysis is based on tail moment measurement and I must say that everything works properly.

Researcher, Cancer Research Institute, Slovakia

Everything has gone very well with the system and we are very pleased with it.

Professor, University, UK

We are really very happy with the comet analysis system.

Research Scientist, University, Austria

I love the software. Keep up the good work over there.

Study Director, Contract Research Organisation, USA