Papers from 2008
Below are a number of refereed papers from 2008 in which Perceptive Instruments software is used for the comet assay. Applications of the systems include research and testing in nutrition, medicine, biomonitoring and genetic toxicology:
Alcohol induces DNA damage and the Fanconi anemia D2 protein implicating FANCD2 in the DNA damage response pathways in brain
(2008) S.L. Rulten et al, Alc. Clin. Exp. Res. 32(7):1186-1196
Analysis of DNA breaks, DNA damage response, and apoptosis produced by high NaCl
(2008) N.I. Dmitrieva et al, Am. J. Phys. Renal Phys. 295(1):1678-1688
Anthocyanin/Polyphenolic–Rich Fruit Juice Reduces Oxidative Cell Damage in an Intervention Study with Patients on Hemodialysis
(2008) T.M. Spormann et al, Canc. Epi. Biom. & Prev. 17(1):3372-3380
Application of cytogenetic endpoints and comet assay on human lymphocytes treated with atorvastatin in vitro
(2008) G. Gajski and V. Garaj-vrhovac J. Env. Sci & Health Pt.A 43(1):78-85
Assessment of genotoxic risks in Croatian health care workers occupationally exposed to cytotoxic drugs: A multi-biomarker approach
(2008) N. Kopjar et al, Int. J. Hyg. Env. Health [Epub]
Assessment of the genotoxicity of trichloroethylene and its metabolite, S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine (DCVC), in the comet assay in rat kidney
(2008) P. Clay Mutagenesis 23(1):27-33
Cellular protection from oxidative DNA damage by over-expression of the novel globin cytoglobin in vitro
(2008) N.J. Hodges et al, Mutagenesis 23(4):293-298
Cytogenetic status and oxidative DNA-damage induced by atorvastatin in human peripheral blood lymphocytes: Standard and Fpg-modified comet assay
(2008) G. Gajski et al, Tox. & Appl. Pharma. 231(1):85-93
Cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of drinking water: A comparison between two different concentration methods
(2008) A. Buschini et al, Water Res. 42(1):8-9
Different sensitivities of human colon adenocarcinoma (CaCo-2), astrocytoma (IPDDC-A2) and lymphoblastoid (NCNC) cell lines to microcystin-LR induced reactive oxygen species and DNA damage
(2008) B. Žeguraa et al, Toxicon 52(3):518-525
Discriminative protection against hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals by quercetin in human leucocytes in vitro
(2008) L.C. Wilms, Tox. in Vitr. 22(2):301-307
Distinct roles of Topoisomerase II isoforms: DNA damage accelerating a, double strand break repair promoting ß
(2008) R. Kumar Mandraju et al, Arch. Bchem. & Bphys. 470(1):27-34
E2F1 Regulates the Base Excision Repair Gene XRCC1 and Promotes DNA Repair
(2008) D. Chen et al, J. Biol. Chem. 283(22):15381-15389
Effect of lead on proliferation and neural differentiation of mouse bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cells
(2008) S. Kermani et al, Tox. in Vitro 22(4):995-1001
Enantioselective cytotoxicity of the insecticide bifenthrin on a human amnion epithelial (FL) cell line
(2008) H. Liu, Toxicology 253(1-3):89-96
Epigenetic Reprogramming of IGF-1 and Leptin Genes by Serum Deprivation in Multipotential Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
(2008) C. Sanchez et al, Stem cells [Epub ahead of print]
Evaluation of chlorite and chlorate genotoxicity using plant bioassays and in vitro DNA damage tests
(2008) D. Feretti et al, Water Res. 42(15):4075-4082
Evaluation of Radioprotective Effects of Propolis and Quercetin on Human White Blood Cells in Vitro
(2008) V. Benkovic et al, Biol. Pharm. Bull. 31(1):1778
Evaluation of the Radioprotective Effects of Propolis and Flavonoids in Gamma-Irradiated Mice: The Alkaline Comet Assay Study
(2008) V. Benkovic et al, Biol. Pharm. Bull. 31(1):167-172
Evaluation of Time Dependence and Interindividual Differences in Benzo[a]pyrene-Mediated CYP1A1 Induction and Genotoxicity in Porcine Urinary Bladder Cell Cultures
(2008) S. Plottner et al, J. Tox. & Env. Health 71(13-14):969-975
Genome Damage in Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients Treated by Radiotherapy
(2008) M. Gamulin, Croat. Med. J. 49(4):515–527
Genome damage in oropharyngeal cancer patients treated by radiotherapy
(2008) M. Gamulin et al, Croat Med. J. 49(4):515-27
Genotoxic damage in pathology anatomy laboratory workers exposed to formaldehyde
(2008) S. Costa, Toxicology 252(1-3):40-48
Genotoxic effect of bile acids on human normal and tumour colon cells and protection by dietary antioxidants and butyrate
(2008) P. Rosignoli et al, Euro. J. Nut. 47(6):301-309
Genotoxic potential of bee venom (Apis Mellifera) on human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro using single cell gel electrophoresis assay
(2008) G. Gajski & V. Garaj-Vrhovac, J. Env. Sci. & Health 43(11):1279-1287
Genotoxic pressure of vineyard pesticides in fish: Field and mesocosm surveys
(2008) S. Bony et al, Aqua. Tox. 89(3):197-203
Genotoxicity in primary human peripheral lymphocytes after exposure to radiopacifiers in vitro
(2008) M. Gobbo Braz, J. Mat. Sci. 19(2):601-605
Genotoxicity of low dose N-nitroso propoxur to human gastric cells
(2008) H.H. Kuo et al, Food & Chem. Tox. 46(5):1619-1626
Genotoxicity of Tryptophol in a Battery of Short-Term Assays on Human White Blood Cells in vitro
(2008) I. Kosalec, bas. & Clin. Pharma. Tox. 102(5):443-452
Induction of specific cell responses to a Ca3SiO5-based posterior restorative material
(2008) P. Laurent et al, Dent. Mat. 24(11):1486-1494
Intervention with cloudy apple juice results in altered biological activities of ileostomy samples collected from individual volunteers
(2008) S. Veeriah et al, Euro J. Nutr. 47(5):226-234
l-Carnitine enhances resistance to oxidative stress by reducing DNA damage in Ataxia telangiectasia cells
(2008) A. Berni et al, Mut. Res. 650(2):165-174
Levels of DNA damage in blood leukocyte samples from non-diabetic and diabetic female rats and their fetuses exposed to air or cigarette smoke
(2008) P. Helena Ortiz Lima et al, Mut. Res. 653(1):44-49
Long-Term Functional Stability of Human HepaRG Hepatocytes and Use for Chronic Toxicity and Genotoxicity Studies
(2008) R. Jossé et al, Drug Met. & Disp. 36(1):1111-1118
Low sensitivity of the comet assay to detect acetaldehyde-induced genotoxicity
(2008) G. Speit et al, Mut. Res. 657(2):93-97
Nanoparticle-driven DNA damage mimics irradiation-related carcinogenesis pathways
(2008) R.M. Mroz et al, Eur. Respir. J. 31(1):241-251
No Differences in DNA Damage and Antioxidant Capacity Between Intervention Groups of Healthy, Nonsmoking Men Receiving 2, 5, or 8 Servings/Day of Vegetables and Fruit
(2008) K. Briviba et al, Nut. & Cancer 60(2):164-170
Obesity-related promotion of aberrant crypt foci in DMH-treated obese Zucker rats correlates with dyslipidemia rather than hyperinsulinemia
(2008) T.C.L. Koch et al, Euro J. Nutr. 47(3):161-170
Oxidative DNA damage and total antioxidant status in rats during experimental gram-negative sepsis
(2008) C. Kaymak et al, Human & Exp. Tox. 27(6):485-491
Plx1 is required for chromosomal DNA replication under stressful conditions
(2008) K. Trenz et al, EMBO Journal 282(2):831-835
Polymorphisms in metabolic GSTP1 and DNA-repair XRCC1 genes with an increased risk of DNA damage in pesticide-exposed fruit growers
(2008) R. Wong et al, Mut. Res. 654(2):168-175
Reactive oxygen species from the uncoupling of human cytochrome P450 1B1 may contribute to the carcinogenicity of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls
(2008) R.M. Green et al, Mutagenesis 23(6):457-463
Recommendations for design of the rat comet assay
(2008) C.C. Smith et al, Mutagenesis 23(3):233-40
Relationship among Oxidative DNA Damage, Gastric Mucosal Density and the Relevance of cagA , vacA and iceA Genotypes of Helicobacter pylori
(2008) M.S.P. Ladeira et al, Dig. Dis. & Sci. 51(1):248-255
Repair of Sparfloxacin-Induced Photochemical DNA Damage In Vivo
(2008) M. Struwe et al, J. Inv. Derma. [Epub ahead of print]
Subcellular distribution of inorganic and organic arsenic compounds in human urothelial cells and human hepatocytes
(2008) E Dopp et al, Drug Metab Dispos. 36(5):971-979
Synthesis and biological activity of stable and potent antitumor agents, aniline nitrogen mustards linked to 9-anilinoacridines via a urea linkage
(2008) N. Kapuriya et al, Bio. & Med. Chem. 16(10):5413-5423
Tenocyclidine treatment in soman-poisoned rats--intriguing results on genotoxicity versus protection.
(2008) M.J. Petek et al, Acta. Biochim. Pol. 55(1):97-105
The effect of inhibited replication on DNA migration in the comet assay in relation to cytotoxicity and clastogenicity
(2008) G. Speit & P. Schütz, Mut. Res. 655(1-2):22-27
The genotoxic potential of glutaraldehyde in mammalian cells in vitro in comparison with formaldehyde
(2008) G. Speit et al, Mut. Res. 649(1-2):146-154
The JmjC Domain Histone Demethylase Ndy1 Regulates Redox Homeostasis and Protects Cells from Oxidative Stress
(2008) C. Polytarchou et al, Mol. Cell. Biol. 28(24):7451-7464
Tomato oleoresin inhibits DNA damage but not diethylnitrosamine-induced rat hepatocarcinogenesis
(2008) C. Scolastici et al, Exp. & Tox. Path. 60(1):59-68
Use of Comet-FISH in the study of DNA damage and repair: Review
(2008) M. Glei et al, Mut. Res. [Epub]
ß-Carotene metabolites enhance inflammation-induced oxidative DNA damage in lung epithelial cells
(2008) Y.G.J. van Helden et al, Free Rad. Biol. & Med. 46(2):299-304