Papers from 2012

Cryopreservation and storage of mussel (Mytilus spp.) hemocytes for latent analysis by the Comet assay
A Kwok, BP Lyons, NJ Hodges, TP Bean - Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and ..., 2012
... DNA damage was expressed as the % tail intensity. The images were measured with Comet Assay IV (Perceptive Instruments), and data were compiled with Comet Assay Spreadsheet Generator Version 1-3-1 (Perceptive Instruments). 2.7. Data Analysis. ...

Age and gender effects on DNA strand break repair in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
C Garm, M Moreno-Villanueva, A Bürkle, I Petersen… - Aging Cell, 2012
... DNA was stained using SYBR Gold (Invitrogen) and analysis was performed using a fluorescent microscope (Leica DMLB) equipped with camera (Leica DC 200). Live quantification was performed on 60-100 cells from each gel using Perceptive Instruments IV software. ...

Comparative genotoxicity of aluminium and cadmium on embryonic zebrafish cells
S Pereira, I Cavalie, V Camilleri, R Gilbin… - Mutation Research/Genetic …, 2012
... Hundred nucleoids per slide were analyzed at x 400 magnification under a fluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse E600) equipped with a 515-560 nm excitation filter. Comet figures were analyzed by using Comet IV software (Perceptive Instruments, Suffolk, UK). ...

Impact of Toxic Cyanobacterial Blooms on Eurasian Perch (Perca fluviatilis): Experimental Study and In Situ Observations in a Peri-Alpine Lake
B Sotton, J Guillard, S Bony, A Devaux, I Domaizon… - PLOS ONE, 2012
... ethanol. The DNA was stained with 0.05 mM ethidium bromide and scored using an Axioskop epifluorescence microscope (Zeiss, Germany) and the Comet assay IV image analysis system (Perceptive Instruments Ltd., UK). ...

Identification and Characterization of a Potent Activator of P53-Independent Cellular Senescence Via a Small Molecule Screen for Modifiers of the Integrated Stress …
CM Sayers, I Papandreou, DM Guttmann, NL Maas… - Molecular Pharmacology, 2012
... the dark. DNA comets were visualized on an Olympus IX51 fluorescence microscope. Median tail moment was recorded from 100 comets per sample and quantified using Comet Assay IV software (Perceptive Instruments, UK). Page 11. MOL #81810 11 Results ...

Gut Fermentation Products of Inulin-type Fructans Modulate the Expression of Xenobiotic-metabolising Enzymes in Human Colonic Tumour Cells
U Munjal, D Scharlau, M Glei - Anticancer Research, 2012
... Tail intensities were quantified using an image analysis system and the software Comet Assay IV of Perceptive Instruments (Halstead, UK) evaluating 150 cells per sample. Data are presented as the means±SD of three independently reproduced experiments. ...

Modulation of the cellular redox status by the< i> Alternaria toxins alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether
C Tiessen, M Fehr, C Schwarz, S Baechler… - Toxicology Letters, 2012
... staining with ethidium bromide. Slides were subjected to computer-aided image analysis (Comet Assay IV System, Perceptive Instruments, Suffolk, Great Britain), scoring 2 × 50 randomly picked cells per slide. The results were ...

Variation patterns in individual fish responses to chemical stress among estuaries, seasons and genders: the case of the European flounder (Platichthys flesus) in the …
J Laroche, O Gauthier, L Quiniou, A Devaux, S Bony… - Environmental Science and …, 2012
.... (2010a). After cell treatment and electrophoresis, DNA was stained with 0.05 mM ethidium bromide and scored using an Axioskop epifluorescence microscope (Zeiss) and the Comet assay IV image analysis system (Perceptive Instruments Ltd., Havrevill, UK). ...

Down-regulation of 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 expression in the airway epithelium ameliorates allergic lung inflammation
JA Bacsi, L Aguilera-Aguirre, B Szczesny, Z Radak… - DNA Repair, 2012
... We evaluated 200 cells for each data point, using the Comet Assay IV v4.2 system (Perceptive Instruments, Suffolk, UK). 2.7. Depletion of gene expression. Stealth RNAi™ was used to deplete Ogg1 (Invitrogen Life Technologies). ...

Comparative genotoxicity of aluminium and cadmium on embryonic zebrafish cells
S Pereira, I Cavalie, V Camilleri, R Gilbin… - Mutation Research/Genetic …, 2012
... Hundred nucleoids per slide were analyzed at x 400 magnification under a fluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse E600) equipped with a 515-560 nm excitation filter. Comet figures were analyzed by using Comet IV software (Perceptive Instruments, Suffolk, UK). ...

Ocean acidification increases the toxicity of contaminated sediments
DA Roberts, SNR Birchenough, C Lewis… - Global Change …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
... chemistry as stated in EU ocean acidification research recommendations (Riebesell et al. 2010). ... One hundred cells per preparation were quantified using COMET Assay IV (Perceptive Instruments ® ). Water quality and chemical analyses ...

Validation of the nucleotide excision repair comet assay on cryopreserved PBMCs to measure inter-individual variation in DNA repair capacity
A Allione, A Russo, F Ricceri, KV Loock… - …, 2012 - Oxford Univ Press
microscope at 40× magnification and 2 gels of 50 nuclei for each sample treatment were scored with Comet IV software (Perceptive Instrument, Suffolk, UK).

New Nanostructural Biomaterials Based On Active Silicate Systems and hydroxyapatite: characterisation and genotoxicity in human peripheral blood lymphocytes
V Opacic-Galic, V Petrovic, S Živkovic, V Jokanovic… - International Endodontic …, 2012
... an excitation filter of 510–560 nm, barrier filter of 590 nm, at 400× magnification. Image analysis software (Comet Assay IV, Perceptive Instruments, Haverhill, UK) was used for interpretation of the results. Fifty nuclei per experimental point in each of the three ...

DNA damage in lens epithelium of cataract patients in vivo and ex vivo
Ø Osnes-Ringen, AO Azqueta, MC Moe, C Zetterström… - Acta Ophthalmologica, 2012
... A Nikon Eclipse TS-100 fluorescence microscope was used to evaluate the nuclei visually or using a semi-automated image analysis system (Comet Assay IV; Perceptive Instruments Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, UK). Twenty-five comets were analysed per gel. ...

Intake of a resveratrol-containing dietary supplement has no impact on DNA-stability in healthy subjects
A Heger, F Ferk, A Nersesyan, T Szekeres, M Kundi… - Mutation Research/Genetic …, 2012
... DNA-migration was measured by use of a computer-aided image-analysis program (Comet Assay IV, Perceptive Instruments, UK), as an endpoint the 'percentage of DNA in tail' was determined. 2.5. Biochemical parameters. ...

Characterization of coal fly ash nanoparticles and induced oxidative DNA damage in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
S Dwivedi, Q Saquib, AA Al-Khedhairy, AYS Ali… - Science of The Total …, 2012
... Images from 50 cells (25 from each replicate slide) were randomly selected and subjected to image analysis using software Comet Assay IV (Perceptive Instruments, UK). 2.12. Cytokinesis blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay of CFA treated human PBMN cells. ...

Detection of DNA Damage by Comet Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization
W Schlörmann, M Glei
... 09 and 15). 6. Digital CCD camera and imaging software (eg, MicroMAX, BFI OPTILAS GmbH; Visitron Systems GmbH, Puchheim, Germany). 7. Image analysis system (eg, Kinetic Imaging, Liverpool, UK or Perceptive Instruments Suffolk, UK). ...

The influence of the number of cells scored on the sensitivity in the comet assay
Anoop Kumar Sharmaa, Françoise Soussalineb, Jerome Salletteb, Marianne Dybdahla
…€= Semi-automated system, Perceptive IV.ß=…

In vivo comet assay of multi-walled carbon nanotubes using lung cells of rats intratracheally instilled
M Ema, S Masumori, N Kobayashi, M Naya, S Endoh… - Journal of Applied …, 2012
... Images of DNA migration were examined using a fluorescence microscope (Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). The final magnification was 200×. The images were analyzed using a Comet assay analyzer (Comet Assay IV system, Perceptive Instruments Ltd., Suffolk, UK). ...

Genotoxicity profiles in exfoliated human mammary cells recovered from lactating mothers in Istanbul; relationship with demographic and dietary factors
B Yilmaz, S Sandal, H Ayvaci, N Tug… - Mutation Research/Genetic …, 2012 - Elsevier
... Genotoxicity profiles in exfoliated human mammary cells recovered from lactating mothers in Istanbul ... A Comet-Assay-IV (Perspective Instruments, Suffolk, UK) imaging system was attached ...Therefore, genotoxicity detected in exfoliated mammary cells of healthy lactating mothers ...

PARP inhibition potentiates the cytotoxic activity of C-1305, a selective inhibitor of topoisomerase II, in human BRCA1-positive breast cancer cells
J Wesierska-Gadek, N Zulehner, F Ferk… - Biochemical Pharmacology, 2012
... DNA migration was determined based on tail intensity (% DNA in tail) using a computer-aided Comet assay image analysis system (Comet Assay IV, Perceptive Instruments, UK). 2.10. Electrophoretic separation of proteins and immunoblotting. ...

Protection by Salvia Extracts Against Oxidative and Alkylation Damage to DNA in Human HCT15 and CO115 Cells
AA Ramos, D Pedro, AR Collins… - Journal of Toxicology …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
... To evaluate protection against oxidative and alkylating DNA damage, both cell lines were preincubated for ... The drinking of a Salvia officinalis infusion improves liver antioxidant status inmice ... a fluorescence microscope, and a Comet 4 analysis system (Perceptive software) was ...

The Methyl Xanthine Caffeine Inhibits DNA Damage Signaling and Reactive Species and Reduces Atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- Mice
JR Mercer, K Gray, N Figg, S Kumar… - Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and …, 2012
... Comet Assessment of DNA Damage DNA damage analysis was performed using Comet assay, as previ- ously described,27 using digital quantification with Comet Assay IV software (Perceptive Instruments Ltd, United Kingdom). ...

Genotoxic and mutagenic effects of erythrosine B, a xanthene food dye, on HepG2 cells
FMD Chequer, VP Venâncio, MLP Bianchi… - Food and Chemical …, 2012
... The Tail Moment (product of the proportion of the tail's intensity and the displacement of the tail's center of mass relative to the center of the head) and Tail Intensity (% DNA in the tail) were evaluated using Comet Assay IV software (Perceptive Instruments, Suffolk, UK) at 400 ...

In Vitro Safety Toxicology Data for Evaluation of Gold NanoparticlesChronic Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Uptake
CD Guglielmo, JD Lapuente, C Porredon… - Journal of Nanoscience …, 2012
... The slides were stained with 5 g/ml DAPI (4 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) just before analysis. Anal- ysis was carried out with the Comet Assay IV software (Perceptive Instruments, Suffolk, UK) fitted with a Nikon E600 fluorescence microscope with 40 × magnification. ...

Bixin and norbixin protect against DNA-damage and alterations of redox status induced by methylmercury exposure in vivo
GRM Barcelos, D Grotto, JM Serpeloni, AF Aissa… - Environmental and …, 2012
... evaluated per animal. Comets were scored using the Comet Assay IV software from Perceptive Instruments (Haverhill, England); the percentage of DNA in tail was determined as a parameter of DNA damage. All experiments ...

A co-culture system of human intestinal Caco-2 cells and lymphoblastoid TK6 cells for investigating the genotoxicity of oral compounds
L Le Hégarat, S Huet… - Mutagenesis, 2012
... At least two slides per dose and 100 cells per slide were analyzed using Comet Assay IV software (Perceptive Instruments, Haverhill, UK). The percentage of DNA in the comet tail (% tail DNA) was used to evaluate the extent of DNA damage. ...

In Vivo Genotoxicity Assessment in Rats Exposed to Prestige-Like Oil by Inhalation
V Valdiglesias, G Kiliç, C Costa, Ó Amor-Carro… - Journal of Toxicology and …, 2012
... Response to challenging dose of X-rays as a predictive assay for molecular epidemiology. Mutat. Res. , 544: 289–97. [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®] View all references). Image capture and analysis were performed using the Comet IV Software (Perceptive Instruments, UK). ...

Can Standard Genotoxicity Tests be Applied to Nanoparticles?
Z Magdolenova, Y Lorenzo, A Collins… - Journal of Toxicology and …, 2012
... fluorescence microscopy. Quantitation was by image analysis with Comet IV (Perceptive Instruments), estimating percent DNA in tail for 100 comets per gel. Comet Assay: Testing for Interference of NP With FPG. Subconfluent HeLa ...

Genotoxic Damage in Hospital Workers Exposed to Ionizing Radiation and Metabolic Gene Polymorphisms
A Sakly, JF Gaspar, E Kerkeni, S Silva… - Journal of Toxicology and …, 2012
... Two slides were prepared for each donor and 50 randomly selected cells from each slide (100 cells/donor) were examined using a magnification of 400×. Image capture and analysis were performed with Comet Assay IV software (Perceptive Instruments). ...

Everolimus Enhances Gemcitabine-Induced Cytotoxicity in Bladder-Cancer Cell Lines
R Pinto-Leite, R Arantes-Rodrigues, C Palmeira… - Journal of Toxicology and …, 2012
... The mean of tail intensity (the fraction of DNA in tail) was determined using the Comet Assay IV software (Perceptive Instruments). Morphologic Alterations. Culture plates with six wells and a glass cover slip inside were used for the cell growth. ...

Biomarkers of mild hyperthermia related to flashover training in firefighters
L Calušic Anita, M Marin, V Veda Marija, M Jelena… - Journal of Thermal Biology, 2012
... Germany). The Comet Assay IV analysis system (Perceptive Instruments Ltd, Suffolk, UK) was used to measure tail length (µm) and DNA percentage (% DNA) in tail for each comet. The gel edges and dead cells were avoided. ...

Genotoxicity evaluation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles using the Ames test and Comet assay
RS Woodruff, Y Li, J Yan, M Bishop, MY Jones… - Journal of Applied …, 2012
... The slides were then analyzed using a system consisting of a Nikon 50i fluorescent microscope and Comet IV digital imaging software (Perceptive Instruments, Wiltshire, UK). The Comet tail lengths were digitally analyzed and scored based on tail length, width and intensity. ...

In vivo genotoxicity study of single-wall carbon nanotubes using comet assay following intratracheal instillation in rats
M Naya, N Kobayashi, S Endoh, J Maru, K Honda… - Regulatory Toxicology and …, 2012
... Images of DNA migration were examined using a fluorescence microscope (Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). The final magnification was 200×. The images were analyzed using a Comet assay analyzer (Comet Assay IV system, Perceptive Instruments Ltd., Suffolk, UK). ...

TDP2 promotes repair of topoisomerase I-mediated DNA damage in the absence of TDP1
Z Zeng, A Sharma, L Ju, J Murai, L Umans… - Nucleic Acids Research, 2012
... Average tail moments from 50 cells/sample were measured using Comet Assay IV software (Perceptive Instruments, UK). Data are the average ± sem of three independent experiments. Statistical analyses were conducted using student t-test. Clonogenic survival assays. ...

Gentiana asclepiadea exerts antioxidant activity and enhances DNA repair of hydrogen peroxide-and silver nanoparticles-induced DNA damage
A Hudecová, B Kusznierewicz, K Hašplová, A Huk… - Food and Chemical …, 2012
... 10 min) at 4°C. Each sample was stained with 20 µl of SYBRgold (0.1 µl/ml in TE buffer - 10 mM TrisHCl, 1 mM Na 2 EDTA, pH 7.5-8) and 100 nucleoid 'comets' per sample were scored by computerized image analysis (Comet Assay IV 4.2, Perceptive Instruments Ltd) for ...

Assessment of the genotoxic effects of organophosphorus insecticides phorate and trichlorfon in human lymphocytes
I Timoroglu, D Yüzbasioglu, F Ünal, S Yilmaz… - Environmental Toxicology, 2012
... The tail intensities and tail lengths of 200 comets per concentration (100 comets on each slide) were determined using a specialized Image Analysis System (“Comet Assay IV,” Perceptive Instruments, United Kingdom). Statistical Analyses. ...

Silver nanoparticle-induced mutations and oxidative stress in mouse lymphoma cells
N Mei, Y Zhang, Y Chen, X Guo, W Ding, SF Ali… - Environmental and Molecular …
... Two slides were scored from each sample, and 100 cells were selected randomly from each slide and scored using a system consisting of a Nikon 501 fluorescent microscope and Comet IV digital imaging software (Perceptive Instruments, Wiltshire, UK). ...


...have been using it now for a couple of weeks and it seems to be working great. Very user friendly - I love it as does my intern!

Staff Chemist, Marine Laboratory, USA

I love the software. Keep up the good work over there.

Study Director, Contract Research Organisation, USA

We are using the Comet Assay IV a lot (and our use is increasing). It's working very well.

Professor, Children's Research Hospital, USA

Just to let you know we have started the validation study for Comet Assay IV and it has been going very well! We ran a comet assay last week and scored the slides with no problems at all. I am very pleased with the system and it will certainly make a difference when we run some comet studies this year!

Study Director, Food & Household Products Company, UK

I'm really a fan of your system :)

Genetic Toxicologist, Global Pharmaceutical Company

Everything has gone very well with the system and we are very pleased with it.

Professor, University, UK

...we are "happy users" of the software

Senior Researcher, Risk Assessment Institute, Germany

The system was set up last month, and so far it works very well. Both my boss and I are very satisfied with it and like it very much.

Researcher, University Hospital, Germany

The system is up and running. Everybody is impressed with the speed of scoring slides.

Researcher, University, South Africa

We have had no problems so far, and we are very pleased with the system.

Senior Researcher, Public Health Agency, Finland

The current Comet Assay IV system works without any trouble…we are pleased with the system.

Scientist, Chemical Company, Japan

Thanks for your attention and great service. I am so glad that we have Comet IV.

Study Director, Contract Research Organisation, USA

We have just recently utilized the system and are extremely pleased.

Assistant Professor, University, USA

Yes, it is very useful and we are in the process of writing a paper also from the data derived from Comet Assay IV.

Assistant Professor, University, USA

...and the system is running great.

Medical Researcher, Cancer Research Institute, USA

We are very happy with everything, it is easy to work with your software.

Senior Scientist, National Health Institute, Portugal

Excellent, perfectly straightforward.

Scientist, University, UK

The installation was quick and all the details were described and easily understandable for the technicians.

Head of Department, Global Chemical Company, Germany

It is actually working great.

Professor, University, USA

We have installed the software and are using it without any problem. It's really simple! My PhD students are very happy with it.

Professor, University, Spain

The Comet Assay IV system we already installed and is working perfectly.

Scientist, Environmental Institute, Norway

Perfect and very clear installation and training.

Study Director, Contract Research Organisation, Europe

I have been using the Comet Assay IV Software. It is great! During my software validation, I realized how much easier and precise it is compared to our old software. It makes analyzing the comet slides more enjoyable

Scientist, Medical Research Centre, USA

Perfect and very clear installation and training!

Researcher, Contract Testing Laboratory, Europe

We are impressed indeed! It has saved us quite a lot of time and pains.

Director, Toxicology Research Centre, Spain

All is going well and the more I use the software the more I love the way it's so simple and intuitive...the comet software is running well and in increasing use.

Scientist, University, UK

Everything has gone very well with the system and we are very pleased with it.

Scientist, University, UK

The system is working great.

Senior Research Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, UK

Excellent, the training was very helpful and specific to in-house technicalities.

Lecturer, University, UK

It's an amazing program! Really useful!

Research Scientist, University, Brazil

...Everything is fine with the Comet Assay IV system...and I'm pretty happy about this new software with just clicking on the cells instead of drawing a frame around them

Researcher, Cancer Research Organisation, UK

We are really very happy with the comet analysis system.

Research Scientist, University, Austria

So far, I'm very happy with the system.

Research Lecturer, University, UK

We're now using the software and it works great. It has cut our time for comets by at least half.

Post Doctoral Fellow, National Institute of Health, USA

It is, indeed, much quicker than the old image analysis system that we had. We are very pleased with it.

Senior Researcher, Public Health Agency, Finland

We started using Comet Assay IV and it works well...

Researcher, Nuclear Agency, France

I don't have any questions about the software as it has worked quite well for far we are very happy with the software.

Research Scientist, University, Australia

We have found the Comet Assay IV software very useful and convenient.

Research Scientist, Food Safety Agency, France

Comet Assay IV software is in use. Currently our comet analysis is based on tail moment measurement and I must say that everything works properly.

Researcher, Cancer Research Institute, Slovakia

Total change in our lab since you came (with Comet Assay IV of course...)! thanks... :-)

Postgraduate Researcher, University, France

We are very satisfied with your software.

Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovakia