Home/Comet scoring/Our customers

Comet Assay IV users

A strong client base

Organisations worldwide use our comet assay systems ranging from universities and other research institutes to small/medium sized companies and large multi-nationals. We pride ourselves in our friendly and thorough approach, and as a result have built up successful, long-term relationships with our customers.

So you can have an idea of some of our clients in your particular area of interest, we have separated the list into companies, regulatory and governmental organisations and universities and research institutes.

Companies, regulatory and governmental organisations

French Food Safety Agency
German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Bristol-Myers Squibb
French Commission for Atomic Energy
Dow Corning
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
Swiss Fed. Lab. for Materials Testing and Research
Foundation for Environmental Protection
US Food and Drug Administration
Health Canada
Mexican National Institute of Public Health
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Portuguese National Institute of Health
Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation
International Atomic Energy Agency
Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology
INP Greifswald
French Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety Institute
Janssen Pharmaceutica
Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare
US National Institute of Health
Japanese National Institute of Health Sciences
Nofer Institute
Orion Pharma
Sumitomo Chemical

Universities and research institutes

University of Aarhus
Adnan Menderes University
Assiut University
University of Bern
University of Cambridge
Cancer Research Institute of Bratislava
Cancer Research UK
The Centre of Research in Toxicology
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
University of Coruna
University of East Anglia
University of Edinburgh
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald
University of Exeter
Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP)
University of Findlay
University of Firenze
Fraunhofer Institute
Fritz Lipmann Institute for Age Research
Gazi University
University of Glasgow
Hacettepe University
Helmholtz Centre For Environmental Research
Heriot-Watt University
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
University of Illinois
French National Institute for Agricultural Research
Institute of Cancer Research
Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
Institut Pasteur
INRS (France)
Instituto Nazionale dei Tumori
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
Croatian Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health
University of Johannesburg
St. Judes Children's Hospital
Juarez University of Durangeo State
University of Jena
Kaiserslautern Technical University
University of Karlsruhe
King Saud University
University of Kuopio
University of Lausanne
University of Lethbridge
Lille University of Health and Law
L'Institut Curie
Loma Linda University
University of Leicester
University of Louisville
University of Mainz
Marshall University
Max Rubner Intitute
McGill University
Uni. Texas MD Anderson Cancer Research Center
Medical Research Council
University of Metz
Mote Marine Laboratory
National University of Mexico
University of Napoli
National Hellenic Research Foundation
National Food Institute, Denmark
University of Navarra
University of Newcastle, Australia
University of Newcastle, England
Northern Arizona University
Norwegian Institute for Air Research
University of Oslo
Oregon Health and Science University
University of Padova
University of Pecs
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Sao Paulo State University
University of St Andrews
University of St Etienne
University of Sao Paulo
Universidad de Sonora
Southern Illinois University
University of Southern Maine
University of Tartu
University of Texas Health Science Center
University of Texas Medical Branch
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
University of Tromso
Tufts University
Tulane University
University of Uppsala
University of Vienna
Vilnius University
Texas A&M University
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wroclaw Medical University
Yeditepe University
Yerevan State University


Excellent, perfectly straightforward.

Scientist, University, UK

The current Comet Assay IV system works without any trouble…we are pleased with the system.

Scientist, Chemical Company, Japan

I have been using the Comet Assay IV Software. It is great! During my software validation, I realized how much easier and precise it is compared to our old software. It makes analyzing the comet slides more enjoyable

Scientist, Medical Research Centre, USA

...Everything is fine with the Comet Assay IV system...and I'm pretty happy about this new software with just clicking on the cells instead of drawing a frame around them

Researcher, Cancer Research Organisation, UK

The system was set up last month, and so far it works very well. Both my boss and I are very satisfied with it and like it very much.

Researcher, University Hospital, Germany

We have just recently utilized the system and are extremely pleased.

Assistant Professor, University, USA

It is actually working great.

Professor, University, USA

The system is up and running. Everybody is impressed with the speed of scoring slides.

Researcher, University, South Africa

The system is working great.

Senior Research Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, UK

We have found the Comet Assay IV software very useful and convenient.

Research Scientist, Food Safety Agency, France

Perfect and very clear installation and training.

Study Director, Contract Research Organisation, Europe

The Comet Assay IV system we already installed and is working perfectly.

Scientist, Environmental Institute, Norway

We're now using the software and it works great. It has cut our time for comets by at least half.

Post Doctoral Fellow, National Institute of Health, USA

...we are "happy users" of the software

Senior Researcher, Risk Assessment Institute, Germany

Everything has gone very well with the system and we are very pleased with it.

Scientist, University, UK

...and the system is running great.

Medical Researcher, Cancer Research Institute, USA

We have had no problems so far, and we are very pleased with the system.

Senior Researcher, Public Health Agency, Finland

It's an amazing program! Really useful!

Research Scientist, University, Brazil

We have installed the software and are using it without any problem. It's really simple! My PhD students are very happy with it.

Professor, University, Spain

We started using Comet Assay IV and it works well...

Researcher, Nuclear Agency, France

...have been using it now for a couple of weeks and it seems to be working great. Very user friendly - I love it as does my intern!

Staff Chemist, Marine Laboratory, USA

So it's working out fine and we're very happy!

Toxicologist, Health Agency, Canada

We are using the Comet Assay IV a lot (and our use is increasing). It's working very well.

Professor, Children's Research Hospital, USA

So far, I'm very happy with the system.

Research Lecturer, University, UK

Just to let you know we have started the validation study for Comet Assay IV and it has been going very well! We ran a comet assay last week and scored the slides with no problems at all. I am very pleased with the system and it will certainly make a difference when we run some comet studies this year!

Study Director, Food & Household Products Company, UK

I love the software. Keep up the good work over there.

Study Director, Contract Research Organisation, USA

Total change in our lab since you came (with Comet Assay IV of course...)! thanks... :-)

Postgraduate Researcher, University, France

We are very satisfied with your software.

Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovakia

It is, indeed, much quicker than the old image analysis system that we had. We are very pleased with it.

Senior Researcher, Public Health Agency, Finland

The installation was quick and all the details were described and easily understandable for the technicians.

Head of Department, Global Chemical Company, Germany

Excellent, the training was very helpful and specific to in-house technicalities.

Lecturer, University, UK

Yes, it is very useful and we are in the process of writing a paper also from the data derived from Comet Assay IV.

Assistant Professor, University, USA

We are really very happy with the comet analysis system.

Research Scientist, University, Austria

Everything has gone very well with the system and we are very pleased with it.

Professor, University, UK

We are very happy with everything, it is easy to work with your software.

Senior Scientist, National Health Institute, Portugal

I'm really a fan of your system :)

Genetic Toxicologist, Global Pharmaceutical Company

Perfect and very clear installation and training!

Researcher, Contract Testing Laboratory, Europe

All is going well and the more I use the software the more I love the way it's so simple and intuitive...the comet software is running well and in increasing use.

Scientist, University, UK

Comet Assay IV software is in use. Currently our comet analysis is based on tail moment measurement and I must say that everything works properly.

Researcher, Cancer Research Institute, Slovakia

Thanks for your attention and great service. I am so glad that we have Comet IV.

Study Director, Contract Research Organisation, USA

I don't have any questions about the software as it has worked quite well for us...so far we are very happy with the software.

Research Scientist, University, Australia